Is there more “Fake News” surrounding the SR&ED Program than the American Media, according to Trump? You decide… Here are just a few things we regularly hear when talking to people about the SR&ED program.
Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash
We can’t make SR&ED submissions because…
We’re not creating something new and unique. Fake news.
We’re pre-revenue. Fake news.
We’re not profitable. Fake news.
We’re foreign-owed. Fake news.
We don’t have scientists or do research. Fake news.
We only use sub-contractors. Fake news.
We can’t claim software development. Fake news.
We already completed our project. Fake news.
We’re not yet complete our project. Fake news.
We were told by someone else that this didn’t qualify. Might be fake news.
We are happy to offer free consultation and dispel all these myths!